Proof-of-concept and project prototype development are services provided by Telma Solutions team for new venture strategists. These services involve long-term project planning, deployment strategies, budget estimates, need assessments, and functional prototypes for testing and demonstrations. The proof-of-concept is an exploratory phase used to facilitate start-up endeavors, establishing early ground work to reveal long-term investments and application requirements. This phase is essential in order to credibly estimate the full budget needs of an endeavor and to gauge feasibility. Prototype development, or Alpha development, differs in objectives by focusing on a specific user interaction. This approach is most appropriate when the early phases of the venture are well defined and appropriate web applications or technologies already exist.
Development staging, Workflow Mapping, Branding, Alpha release (Proof-of-concept, Prototyping), Supplemental.
There are 4 principal deliverable that are target in prototyping:
- Web Application architecture – Telma Solutions looks at all the user engagement and value creation in order to establish a path to full production. This provides foresight into future challenges and expectations.
- An interactive prototype – Used in conjunction with a client’s customer value proposition, the production system will address all user needs and feature sets, tightening the focus around the application’s value to the demo audience.
- Database schema design – Clients are guided to addressing the most critical architectural piece, which are the core variables around which the system will be designed. Giving the schema attention early on mitigates some development costs, given that the foundation of the service or product is not heavily altered.
- Application mapping visuals – Telma Solutions provides workflow and/or system diagrams to provide clear visuals of user interaction, aiding in continued design, function, and communication.
The prototyping deliverable assistance in planning, communication, process design, and additional information that assists in moving past prototyping and into alpha and beta testing with a better understanding of feasibility and how to reach those goals. Proof-of-concept and prototype are early design phases and do not always scale into production sites – there are cases where new market information or a change in assumptions alter the foundation of workflow. Additionally, prototypes illustrate a very specific workflow or feature set and does not serve most deviations outside of that workflow. In some cases, these features can only be represented because their development or implementation is beyond the budget or scope of the prototyping phase. It is critical to define the audience and features that will be most valuable to them. A proof-of-concept differs in that it is usually limited to a capability experiment, and if the experiment is valuable the project advances towards the prototype phase.
Telma’s consulting and application planning establishes strategies which assumptions are being used and allows the business strategist to confront those assumptions for validation reasons and to gain perspective to gauge your system’s complexity.
Telma Solutions is committed to clients’ success and value our clients as partners. We share in their need for cost-effective and risk-mitigating approaches to their endeavor so that their solutions are best poised and positioned for smart investments.